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Showing posts from January, 2015

Useful training tips

Having recently undertook the running of some training, I thought it would be beneficial to post some of the things I learnt from it. The training I was performing  had around 8 trainees and latest 4 days and was for a system that is used in the Financial services industry.  Be Active By 'Be Active' I mean 'work' the training room. Go round the room and see how people  are getting on. Do they have a confused look on their faces? If so ask them if there is anything they do not understand or is there something they would like clarifying. Don't be a trainer that sits at his machine and just waits for the questions - be proactive !!! Make sure the exercises are completed If you training incorporates exercises that the trainees need to complete then encourage them to complete them. You're not doing your job as a trainer If they don't do the exercises and you then get bombarded with questions once they start using the system for real. Yes not all exerci...