Now if we are viewed as people on a project that do not 'build' anything, how can that effect our perception as testers? Lets start with a quick definition of perception "the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted. " So the definition of perception contains the word interpretation. If we are interpreted, there is a risk that the interpretation could be wrong, which in turn can affect how we are viewed as testers. Whether it be how we are regarded in our teams or how we are viewed in the wider software community. In either case there is chance that this could be disastrous for us as a community as well as individually. The word interpretation instantly (for me) brings to mind the translation of a foreign language. My wife is German but speaks very good English and there are times where she is trying to interpret what I have said in English, to German. Now sometimes it is very hard to interpret because there is no equivalent word in Germ...