Should testers learn to code? This question has been discussed on twitter quite frequently, and to be honest is getting a little boring. If testers want to learn to code then they should. If they don't then that's fine as well. This post is my humble opinion on whether as testers we should learn to code. The reason for this blog post was because recently Trish Khoo (@hogfish) asked the question: Should testers learn to code? She did a blog post on the results of the poll, which can be found here In my humble opinion testers should learn to code. For me it is a no brainer and something that isn't about keeping up with the industry trends or doing what is fashionable for testers, its about: Developing skills you may not know you possess Give you the chance to spend more time 'testing' (By this I mean exploratory testing) Making you a more valuable member of your team (Before anyone r...